Mempelajari Present Perfect Tense sama pentingnya dengan mempelajari tenses yang lain. Terlebih, tenses yang satu ini cukup sering berseliweran dalam wacana maupun percakapan sehari-hari. 

Simak penjelasan tentang Present Perfect Tense berikut ini. Kamu akan mengetahui apa itu Present Perfect Tense, seperti apa rumus kalimatnya sekaligus dapat berlatih mengerjakan soal untuk mempertajam pemahaman!

Apa itu Present Perfect Tense?

Present perfect tense

Present Perfect Tense adalah tenses yang sering digunakan untuk membicarakan sesuatu / situasi yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu, tetapi terus berlangsung hingga sekarang. Misalnya membicarakan usia pernikahan. 

Dani dan Dina menikah pada bulan Oktober tahun 2020. Tetapi, sampai sekarang mereka masih menjadi pasangan suami istri. Oleh karena itu, mereka dapat mengatakan:

In October 2023, we will have been married for 3 years. (Pada bulan Oktober 2023, kita akan sudah menikah selama 3 tahun / Pada bulan Oktober 2023, usia pernikahan kita adalah 3 tahun).

Boleh juga mereka mengatakan ini:

We’ve been married since 2020. (Kita sudah menikah sejak 2020)

Kapan Menggunakan Present Perfect Tense?

Kamu dapat menggunakan Present Perfect Tense saat:

  • Membicarakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu, namun masih berlangsung hingga sekarang. 

Contoh: They have been married for nearly 25 years. She has lived in Yogyakarta all her life.

  • Membicarakan pengalaman.

Contoh: She has seen this film before. He has played the guitar ever since he was a teenager. She has written 5 books and she is working on another one (ini adalah gabungan antara Present Perfect Tense dan Present Continuous Tense)

  • Membicarakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lalu, tetapi menjadi hal penting sekarang.

Contoh: She can’t get in the house, she has lost her keys. He is not at home, I think he has gone somewhere.  

Rumus Present Perfect Tense

Subject: I, You, They, We

S + have + verb 3 (kalimat positif)

S + have + not + verb 3 (kalimat negatif)

Have + S + verb 3? (kalimat tanya)

Subject: He, She, It

S + has + verb 3 (kalimat positif)

S + has + not + verb 3 (kalimat negatif)

Has + S + verb 3? (kalimat tanya)

To be 

S + have / has + been + verb 3 (kalimat positif)

S + have + has + not + been + verb 3 (kalimat negatif)

Have / Has + S + been + verb 3? (kalimat tanya)

Seperti tenses lainnya, Present Perfect Tense juga mengenal contractions. Berikut adalah beberapa bentuk singkatan umum dalam tenses ini:

  • I have = I’ve
  • You have = You’ve
  • We have = We’ve 
  • They have = They’ve
  • He has = He’s (ya, singkatan ini juga bisa berarti he is, tetapi dalam konteks present perfect tense, maka artinya adalah he has)
  • She has = She’s (singkatan ini juga bisa berarti she is, tetapi dalam konteks present perfect tense, maka artinya adalah she has)
  • It has = It’s (singkatan ini juga bisa berarti it is, tetapi dalam konteks present perfect tense, maka artinya adalah it has)
Baca Ini Juga  Gaji Karyawan PT Mas Sumbiri Semarang dan Jabatannya

Bentuk negatif pun punya contractions tersendiri. Have not biasa disingkat haven’t. Adapun, has not dapat disingkat hasn’t. Contoh: She hasn’t come back since she went to minimarket. You haven’t told me about her yet.

Kamu mungkin juga pernah mendengar istilah have gone vs. have been ketika membicarakan seseorang yang sedang pergi. Apa bedanya ya? 

Biasanya, have/has been dipakai untuk membicarakan seseorang yang pergi ke suatu tempat, tetapi sekarang sudah kembali. Contoh: She has just been out to the minimarket. (Maknanya: dia baru saja habis keluar ke minimarket, sekarang sudah kembali)

Sementara, have/has gone biasanya dipakai untuk membicarakan seseorang yang pergi, tetapi belum kembali. Contoh: My friend has gone to England for a week and she will be back next week. (Maknanya: temanku sudah pergi ke Inggris selama seminggu, dia baru akan pulang minggu depan).

Present Perfect Tense biasanya dilengkapi dengan indefinite time adverbs, seperti never, ever, yet, already, before, always, seldom, usually, generally, frequently,  dan sebagainya. 

Baiklah, agar lebih memahami Present Perfect Tense, mari kerjakan latihan soal berikut ini ya!

Latihan Soal Present Perfect Tense – Section 1

Isilah titik-titik dengan Present Perfect Tense. Clue tersedia dalam tanda kurung. Gunakan adverbs jika perlu. 

  1. Ina and I …… (know) each other since we were at school together.
  2. She ….. (play) chess since she was 8 years old.
  3. My friend ….. (to be) in hospital 4 times this year.
  4. You ……. (want) to be an actor for as long as I can remember.
  5. My uncle ….. (smoke) 30 cigarettes a day for 30 years and he is a doctor!
  6. I ….. (have) this suit for more than 3 years.
  7. Since she finished university, my sister ….. (work) in 7 different countries. 
  8. Have you …… (live) here for more than 3 years?
  9. How long have you ….. (know) her? 
  10. What’s the most interesting city you …… (ever visit).

Pertanyaan bonus:

You …… (never like) apples . You think they are horrible.  

Jawaban Soal Present Perfect Tense – Section 1

  1. Ina and I have known each other since we were at school together.
  2. She has played chess since she was 8 years old.
  3. My friend has been in hospital 4 times this year.
  4. You have wanted to be an actor for as long as I can remember.
  5. My uncle has smoked 30 cigarettes a day for 30 years and he is a doctor!
  6. I have had this suit for more than 3 years.
  7. Since she finished university, my sister has worked in 7 different countries. 
  8. Have you lived here for more than 3 years?
  9. How long have you known her? 
  10. What’s the most interesting city you have ever visited?
Baca Ini Juga  Gaji PT Chakraprima Gitanusa

Pertanyaan bonus:

You have never liked apples . You think they are horrible.  

Latihan Soal Present Perfect Tense – Section 2

Kamu sudah mengerjakan soal pada Section 1, masih ingat jawaban benarnya? Sekarang tugas kamu adalah melengkapi kalimat ini agar menjadi lengkap dan benar seperti jawaban pada section 1. Ready?

  1. Ina and I …..  each other ….. we were at school together.
  2. She ….. chess …. she was 8 years old.
  3. My friend …… in hospital 4 times this year.
  4. You …… to be an actor ….  as long as I can remember.
  5. My uncle ….. 30 cigarettes a day ….. 30 years and he is a doctor!
  6. I …… this suit …. more than 3 years.
  7. ….. she finished university, my sister …… worked in 7 different countries. 
  8. ….. you lived here … more than 3 years?
  9. How long ….. you known her? 
  10. What’s the most interesting city you have ….. visited?

Jawaban Soal Present Perfect Tense – Section 2

  1. Ina and I have known each other since we were at school together.
  2. She has played chess since she was 8 years old.
  3. My friend has been in hospital 4 times this year.
  4. You have wanted to be an actor for as long as I can remember.
  5. My uncle has smoked 30 cigarettes a day for 30 years and he is a doctor!
  6. I have had this suit for more than 3 years.
  7. Since she finished university, my sister has worked in 7 different countries. 
  8. Have you lived here for more than 3 years?
  9. How long have you known her? 
  10. What’s the most interesting city you have ever visited?

Latihan Soal Present Perfect Tense – Section 3

Lengkapi soal cerita yang sudah dimodifikasi berikut dengan Present Perfect Tense.

Baki has just …… (walk) outside with her Grandmother. She wears an apron. So far, she has ….. (finish) washing and cleaning. She has also ….. (gather) seeds and crumbs. 

Now Baki and her Grandma are outside. Baki ….. (just drop) some seeds on the ground to feed the birds. The birds have …. (not come) yet. 

Recently, Grandma …. (move) in with Baki’s family. She now enjoys living with them. 

Grandma …. (already sit) down on the bench. She also wears an apron. She ….. (just finish) cooking. 

Baki and her Grandma wait for the birds. They ….. (see) birds in the yard before. Grandma ….. (always like) to watch the birds. Baki ….. (always like) to feed them. 

Jawaban Soal Present Perfect Tense – Section 3

Baki has just walked outside with her Grandmother. She wears an apron. So far, she has finished washing and cleaning. She has also gathered seeds and crumbs. 

Now Baki and her Grandma are outside. Baki has just dropped some seeds on the ground to feed the birds. The birds have not come yet. 

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Recently, Grandma has moved in with Baki’s family. She now enjoys living with them. 

Grandma has already sat down on the bench. She also wears an apron. She has just finished cooking.

Baki and her Grandma wait for the birds. They have seen birds in the yard before. Grandma has always liked to watch the birds. Baki has always liked to feed them.


Untuk membaca cerita dalam bentuk Present Perfect Tense lainnya, kamu bisa mengunjungi situs Really Learn English!

Latihan Soal Present Perfect Tense – Section 4

Susun kata-kata berikut agar menjadi kalimat Present Perfect yang baik dan benar.

  1. Borrow – can – you – now – it – finished – have – it – I
  2. Have – we – to – decided – spend – week – a – in – Yogyakarta
  3. Know – name, – the – I – never – I – have – but – met – her
  4. Ever – you – been – have – San Francisco – to – ?
  5. Been – I – Los Angeles – have – to 
  6. She – gone – to – month – a – has – New York – for
  7. You – been – the hairdresser’s – have – to – ?
  8. Gone – passport – has – where – my – ?
  9. Baki – been – has – Istanbul – to – business – five – on – times – year – this
  10. Been – I – shop – but – the – to – have – there – no – was – bread – sorry!

Jawaban Soal Present Perfect Tense – Section 4

  1. You can borrow it now. I’ve finished it atau I’ve finished it. You can borrow it now.
  2. We have decided to spend a week in Yogyakarta. 
  3. I know the name, but I have never met her. 
  4. Have you ever been to San Francisco?
  5. I have been to Los Angeles.
  6. She has gone to New York for a month.
  7. Have you been to the hairdresser’s?
  8. Where has my passport gone? 
  9. Baki has been to Istanbul on business five times this year.
  10. I have been to the shop but there was no bread, sorry! atau Sorry! I have been to the shop but there was no bread.

Itulah soal Present Perfect Tense dan jawabannya yang bisa kamu jadikan bahan belajar. Jangan ragu untuk membuka artikel ini lagi jika kamu ingin mempelajari Present Perfect Tense.

Selanjutnya mari belajar tentang Present Perfect Continuous Tense dengan rumus dan latihan soalnya.

Tifani Mifta

A versatile SEO Copywriter who loves to share valuable information related to business, education, tips, and SEO.
