Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kls 11 Semester 2 dan jawaban,
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Artikel ini adalah bagian ke-4 dari rangkaian contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kls 11 Semester 2 (Part 1, Part 2, dan Part 3). Jadi, harap cek ketiga artikel tersebut untuk mendapatkan keseluruhan soal.

Memperbanyak latihan soal dapat membantu kamu untuk meraih nilai yang lebih baik. Tentu saja, semua itu harus diiringi dengan banyak doa dan giat belajar.

Selain dapat dijadikan bahan belajar siswa, soal ini pun dapat digunakan sebagai referensi tambahan bagi guru agar dapat menyusun ulangan dengan baik.

Dengan mengumpulkan banyak referensi maka guru mapel bisa menyusun soal PTS yang kian bervariatif sekaligus bermutu pula. Oke, lantas seperti apa contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kls 11 Semester 2? Langsung simak saja soalnya di bawah ini!

Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kls 11 Semester 2

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kls 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya
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Read the letter below.

Dear Lesti,


It’s been a long time since the last time we met. I may be exaggerating, but I really miss you. 

So far my summer has been fantastic. I spend all my weekends at the beach. I’m getting a nice tan. So, you can no longer say I’m paler than you. Also, I’ve been playing lots of volleyball, surfing and garnering seashells. 

Just this past weekend I took first place in a sandcastle building contest. 

I drive an ice cream truck around on the weekdays. I sell ice cream to the kids. It’s so cool. The pay isn’t too great. However I love the job so much because it combines two things that I love, ice cream and kids. 

I hope the summer has been  great for you too. There’s only a month and a half left in summer vacation and after that we’re back to school. Would you like to meet up sometime before school starts? Kindly let me know. 


Your best friend , 


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P.S. Zaskia 


31. What does the letter mainly talk about?

A. someone’s happiness for getting to meet her best friend soon

B. spending time in summer

C. the unhappy students in summer vacation

D. how to finish summer vacation


32. What does the writer do on the weekdays?

A. she’s getting a nice tan

B. spend her time with working

C. drive an ice cream truck around and sell ice cream to kids

D. playing lots of volleyball and surfing


33. What does “exaggerating” mean?

A. represent something as being larger, better, or worse than it really is

B. to understand something

C. to gain favor or acceptance by deliberate effort

D. cause someone to believe firmly in the truth of something


34. Naruto: What happened to your skirt?

Sakura: Oh, …… when I jumped over the fence.

A. it was torn

B. to be torn

C. it torn

D. it tore


35 The progress of this class needs …..

A. to be evaluated

B. to evaluate

C. be evaluated

D. in evaluating


36. Each of the contestants …… received an invitation.

A. have

B. having

C. be having

D. has


37. Special vacation rates for airplane tickets make travel more …… for tourists.

A. attractive

B. attraction

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C. attract

D. attractively


38. I am still waiting …… for an interview.

A. be calling

B. be called

C. called

D. to be called


39. Potatoes, now a major source of food worldwide, …. to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century.

A. were brought

B. had been brought

C. were being brought

D. brought


40. What is the passive form of this sentence: I am writing a letter?

A. a letter is written by me

B. a letter is being written by me

C. a letter is wrote by me

D. a letter is write by me

Jawaban Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester Genap

  1. What does the letter mainly talk about? B. Spending time in summer, karena sebagian besar isi surat tersebut menceritakan aktivitas / kegiatan yang dilakukan Zaskia pada liburan musim panas.
  2. What does the writer do on the weekdays? C. drive an ice cream truck around and sell ice cream to kids. Hal ini diketahui dari pernyataan: I drive an ice cream truck around on the weekdays. I sell ice cream to the kids.
  3. What does “exaggerating” mean? A. represent something as being larger, better, or worse than it really is. Dalam bahasa indonesia, exaggerating bermakna “melebih-lebihkan, berlebihan” alias lebay.
  4. Sakura: Oh, A. it was torn when I jumped over the fence. Kalimat ini mengandung unsur passive voice. Jadi, silakan pelajari kembali materi tersebut agar kamu bisa menjawab soal seperti ini dengan benar dan tepat.
  1. The progress of this class needs A. to be evaluated. Sama seperti nomor 34, soal ini juga bertema tentang passive voice.
  2. Each of the contestants D. has received an invitation. Untuk dapat menjawab soal ini silahkan pelajari Present Perfect Tense.
  3. Special vacation rates for airplane tickets make travel more A. attractive for tourists. Agar dapat menjawab soal ini, sebaiknya pelajari tentang derivative words.
  4. I am still waiting D. to be called for an interview. Ini pun sama, bertema tentang passive voice.
  5. Potatoes, now a major source of food worldwide, A. were brought to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century. Kalimat ini dinyatakan dalam bentuk passive.
  6. What is the passive form of this sentence: I am writing a letter? B. a letter is being written by me. Soal ini cukup menjebak. Namun pada prinsipnya, bentuk passive dari kalimat yang berstruktur Present Continuous adalah: “to be (is/am/are) + being + verb 3”. Perhatikan bahwa kalimat pada soal dinyatakan dalam Present Continuous, maka bentuk pasifnya adalah a letter is being written by me.
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Tuntas sudah pembahasan mengenai soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kls 11 Semester 2 nomor 31-40. Jangan lupa, kerjakan pula soal PTS nomor 1-10, nomor 11-20 dan nomor 21-30 agar persiapanmu lebih maksimal.

Bila ingin mengerjakan soal yang lebih sulit, maka kamu bisa mencoba 40 Soal bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA. Ada pula soal TOEFL yang bisa kamu cek di Ada soal reading comprehension, structure hingga written expression yang sukses memancing otak bekerja keras.   Untuk soal TOEFL, tingkat kesulitannya lebih tinggi sehingga sangat cocok untuk kamu yang ingin meningkatkan skill bahasa Inggrismu. Tunggu apalagi, yuk kerjakan sekarang!

Tifani Mifta

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