Contoh Soal UTS B. Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan jawabannya
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Jika sebelumnya membagikan soal nomor 1-10 dan 11-20, maka kali ini akan dibagikan soal lanjutannya. Berikut adalah contoh soal UTS B. Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 nomor 21-30.

Soal kali ini lebih banyak membahas tentang passive form dan tenses. Ada pula soal yang menguji kemampuanmu dalam memahami lirik lagu.

Ngomong-ngomong soal tenses, kamu sudah tahu belum bahwa ada sekitar 16 tenses yang perlu kamu ketahui. Jika belum, segera cek pembahasannya disini ya supaya nanti tidak kesulitan saat menjawab soal di bawah ini.

Baiklah mari kerjakan contoh soal UTS B. Inggris kelas 11 semester 2 nomor 21-30 berikut ini.

Contoh Soal UTS B. Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2

Contoh Soal UTS B. Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan jawabannya... HARGABELANJA.COM
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21. Naruto: Why are you in such a hurry, Sakura?

Sakura: I have to arrive there on time because I ….. by my friends there.

A. am waited

B. is waited

C. waited

D. be waited


22. Conan: Why can’t I find my thesis file on this laptop?

Ran: It’s already gone because the laptop ….. last night.

A. be fixed

B. being fixed

C. was fixed

D. were fixed


23 Luffy: Why hasn’t Nami written a letter to me for so long?

Vivi: Because she was busy getting settled. You see, ….

A. she had just moved into a new house

B. she enjoyed living in a house

C. she lived in a house

D. she didn’t live in a house


24. Some workers were loading the containers into the van. What’s the passive form of the sentence?

A. The containers are loading by some workers into the van

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B. The containers were loaded by some workers into the van

C. The containers were being loaded by some workers into the van

D. The containers be loaded by some workers into the van


25. She became quite nervous when she knew that her speech …..

A. was being recorded

B. to be recorded

C. being recorded

D. was to record


26. Inuyasha: When did you take the academic writing course?

Kagome: Last year after I …… Composition III.

A. had completed

B. complete

C. completing

D. was completing


27. Ash: Where’s Misty? I haven’t seen her.

Pikachu: Well, she….. the reports when you arrived.

A. had typed

B. is typing

C. was typing

D. has typed


Here’s a song lyric for question no. 28-30.

The Time Of My Life

Singer: David Cook


I’ve been waiting for my dreams,

To turn into something I could believe in,

And looking for that magic rainbow,

On the horizon, I couldn’t see it,

Until I let go, gave it to love,

Watched all the bitterness burn,

Now I’m coming alive, body and soul,

Feeling my world start to turn,

And I’ll taste every moment and live it out loud,

I know this is the time, this is the time to be,

More than a name or a face in the crowd,

I know this is the time, this is the time of my life,

The time of my life,

Holding on to things that vanished,

Into the air, left me and pieces,

But now I’m rising from the ashes,

Finding my wings and all that I needed,

Was there along, with in my reach,

As close as the beat of my heart,

And now I’m out on the edge of forever,

Ready to run, 

Keeping my feet on the ground,

Arms open wide,


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28. What message is contained in the song?

A. We shouldn’t give up

B. We still have a chance to change

C. We should be ready to face our life

D. Life can be good, but sometimes can be bad


29. What can we know from the first verse?

A. he look for his past memory

B. he couldn’t turn back his time to reach his dream

C. he wants something magic happened in his life

D. he give up on his dream


30. What is the synonym of horizon?

A. skyline

B. bottom line

C. border line

D. rainbow

Jawaban Contoh Soal UTS B. Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2

21. Naruto: Why are you in such a hurry, Sakura?

Sakura: I have to arrive there on time because I A. am waited by my friends there.

22. Conan: Why can’t I find my thesis file on this laptop?

Ran: It’s already gone because the laptop C. was fixed last night.

23. Luffy: Why hasn’t Nami written a letter to me for so long?

Vivi: Because she was busy getting settled. You see, A. she had just moved into a new house.

24. Some workers were loading the containers into the van. What’s the passive form of the sentence? C. The containers were being loaded by some workers into the van.

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25. She became quite nervous when she knew that her speech A. was being recorded.

26. Inuyasha: When did you take the academic writing course?

Kagome: Last year after I A. had completed Composition III. Kalimat ini menggunakan pola Past Perfect Tense.

27. Ash: Where’s Misty? I haven’t seen her.

Pikachu: Well, she C. was typing the reports when you arrived. Kalimat ini menggunakan pola Past Continuous Tense.

28. What message is contained in the song? C. We should be ready to face our life.

29. What can we know from the first verse? C. he wants something magic happened in his life.

30. What is the synonym of horizon? A. Skyline.


Selamat kamu sudah mengerjakan 10 contoh soal UTS B. Inggris kelas 11 semester 2. Tapi kerjakan juga soal nomor (1-10), (11-20), dan (31-40) ya, supaya kamu lebih siap menghadapi soal UTS yang sebenarnya. Sebab, soal UTS yang dikeluarkan oleh sekolah biasanya terdiri dari 40 soal (Pilihan Ganda).

Agar makin siap, kamu bisa mempelajari tenses dan  derivative words terlebih dulu. Kemudian, kamu bisa menguji diri dengan menyelesaikan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas XI Semester 2 part 1, 2 dan 4.

Selain itu, kamu juga bisa mengerjakan 40 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12. Dan bila soal tersebut kurang menantang, maka kamu bisa mengerjakan soal TOEFL, seperti soal structure, written expression dan reading comprehension. Yuk kerjakan!

Tifani Mifta

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